I checked my blogs stats in google webmaster tools and my blogs are still indexed by google. Links on pages with external links are still in place, meaning my blog still have their backlinks.
Inner pages of my blogs also still has their pagerank.
But the result on pages that link to my fronpage or when ever I search from google search typing link:underscore30.blogspot.com, all I get is Your search - link:underscore30.blogspot.com - did not match any documents. That goes the same with my other blog. What's up with that?
Does this mean my two blogs are being banned by google or penalized? I dont get it.. I dont do paid post, paid reviews or sell text link.
Is this just caused by temporary bugs? I think i'll just wait and see and hope it will not affect my blogs search engine rankings.
UPDATE: Nov. 17 - The blog pagerank is now back :)
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I hope you will get you PR back soon
hi there we have the same problem. hope this issue would be resolved soon. please let me know of you have contacted google or have resolved this. thanks
Hi benchiegrace, I think i got my pagerank back, both in my 2 blogs.. I hope you get you PR back soon too.
I visited your blog, you got you PR back too.. congrats..
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