Reciprocate Fast on your Entrecard droppers

Friday, August 22, 2008 / Comments (4) / by kumander / PERMALINK

Just a quick tips on how to reciprocate fast on your daily/recent Entrecard droppers.

This tips is best if you're using Firefox

On your Entrecard dashboard, go to your 'drop inbox' tab, on the drop down menu open the 'cards you haven't dropped on'.. open each cards that's in there by using the middle ckick of your mouse, each card you middle click will open in a new tab. It depends on you on how many tabs you want to open at the same time with the cards, i usually do it with 20-30 tabs.

What if a blogs/sites you open takes too long to load up?

Usually, a site takes time to load if there are too many images that are embeded on the blog/site, If this is the case, either you disable the images or just you wait for the blog/site to load :)

How will I disable the images?

On your Firefox browser, click tools > click options and a pop-up window opens.. on the pop-up window, click 'content' tab, uncheck the box besides 'Load Images Automatically'.. then you must click the "Exceptions..." buttons to enable the images of and

entrecard drops tips and tricks Firefox add-ons

Type in the box

then hit enable.

entrecard drops tips and tricks Firefox add-ons

You must do this before you are to start your dropping.

Additional tips:

- You can use shortcut on your keyboard to close a tab after a drop, press 'ctrl W'.

- It is best to have your Enrecard toolbar when you are dropping because you can also see the site's essentials info direct in to the Enrecard toolbar while viewing/making drops on particular blog/site (i.e. how much EC to advertise).

- You may want also to use this Firefox add-ons on my previews post, to see the page rank and alexa ranking of the blog/site while you are making your daily drops, you can choose on where you want to advertise on the blog/site that you think is performing well ;)

- You can also disable the odd behavior of mouse midle-click. The odd behavior- if you missed to middle-click a link, the tiny circle auto scroll thing appears.

Enjoy reciprocating drops! :)

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To link to this page from your website, simply cut and paste the following code to your web page.

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Reciprocate Fast on your Entrecard droppers

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Anonymous @ August 23, 2008 at 1:17 PM

Hey, thanks for sharing these tips. :)

edelweiza @ August 28, 2008 at 6:05 PM

hi! thanks for the tips.i love dropping ECs.

btw, i added u in my blogroll already.let me know if you've done the same thing. i'll very much appreciate it. :)

Anonymous @ February 16, 2009 at 1:02 PM

that's a great tip. disabling the images and how to set the exceptions.

but if you do that, you'd miss the booty pics in my blog. LOL

Now you're a friend. Thanks !

Anonymous @ February 18, 2009 at 8:53 AM

Thank you for sharing this helpful tip.

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