Why is Google spelled wrong? Why does Google have two L's?

Sunday, September 27, 2009 / Comments (0) / by kumander / PERMALINK

why is google spelled wrong why does google have two ls googlle


Why is Google spelled wrong? Why does Google have two Ls?
These are the questions many people are asking today. If you have visited Google's homepage today, you'll notice that the logo of Google have two Ls. So, why is Google spelled wrong?

The answer is simple, there is no need to worry about it. Google is celebrating its 11th birthday today. The second L is added to Google logo to reference the 11. September is Google month of celebration as they don't have exact day of birthday. For Google's 10th birthday they've displayed their logo on the 2nd of September.

According to their wikipedia entry:
The domain google.com was registered on 15 September 1997,and the company was incorporated as Google Inc. on 4 September 1998.

That's why they are Googlle for now. Now we know why is Google spelled wrong and why does Google have two Ls today.

Here's Google logo on their 10th Birthday.

google 10th birthday logo

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