Friday, August 29, 2008 / Comments (2) / by kumander / PERMALINK
One of the reasons why I like Firefox is these simple shortcuts:
Middle Click on link will open a link in a new tab
Ctrl T will open a new emptytab
Ctrl W will close the current tab
Ctrl shift T will reopen closed tab
Ctrl Page Down and Ctrl Page Up will scroll through the tabs
Ctrl Number will bring you automatically to a certain tab. The first tab being the number 1 tab ofcourse, pressing Ctrl 3 for example will bring you to the 3rd open tab
Ctrl R reload the page
Ctrl + will zoom in the Web pages in the window
Ctrl - will zoom out the Web pages in the window
Ctrl L will move the cursor to the address bar
Ctrl K will move the cursor to the search box
Space Bar will scroll down the page
Shift Space Bar will scroll up the page
Ctrl D will bookmark the current tab
Ctrl Shift D will bookmark all the tabs in the window
Also in Firefox3 you can bookmark the page if you click on the star icon in the address bar, and clicking on the site favicon/icon in the address bar will give you an overview of the site identity.
This is just one of many reason why I like Firefox much, it makes my web browsing much easy.
How to Link to This Page To link to this page from your website, simply cut and paste the following code to your web page.
It will appear on your page as:
Firefox Simple Shortcuts
Read more! Firefox Simple Shortcuts | Firefox keyboard Shortcuts
Wednesday, August 27, 2008 / Comments (0) / by kumander / PERMALINK
As many of you know, can bring an amount of traffic to your site. And the digg effect can disable your site within an hour, so it's quite nice to know if somebody has submitted one of your articles to Digg. here's a quick tip on how to set up an alert.
Go to the Digg Search page at
Type into the search form the base URL of your site, select "URL Only" and "Upcoming Stories", leave the other options as default then hit search button. The result will show you if you have an article that have been dugg or none.

The trick on how to know when somebody submitted one of your article is, to subscribe to the RSS feed for this search, the RSS icon is on the right side of the search page. your RSS reader will let you know when you have been dugg.You can choose to subscribe for "upcoming stories" only or "Frontpage stories", or both. :)
Read more! Set up an alert to know if one of your Article have been dugg
Friday, August 22, 2008 / Comments (4) / by kumander / PERMALINK
Just a quick tips on how to reciprocate fast on your daily/recent Entrecard droppers.
This tips is best if you're using Firefox
On your Entrecard dashboard, go to your 'drop inbox' tab, on the drop down menu open the 'cards you haven't dropped on'.. open each cards that's in there by using the middle ckick of your mouse, each card you middle click will open in a new tab. It depends on you on how many tabs you want to open at the same time with the cards, i usually do it with 20-30 tabs.
What if a blogs/sites you open takes too long to load up?
Usually, a site takes time to load if there are too many images that are embeded on the blog/site, If this is the case, either you disable the images or just you wait for the blog/site to load :)
How will I disable the images?
On your Firefox browser, click tools > click options and a pop-up window opens.. on the pop-up window, click 'content' tab, uncheck the box besides 'Load Images Automatically'.. then you must click the "Exceptions..." buttons to enable the images of and

Type in the box
then hit enable.

You must do this before you are to start your dropping.
Additional tips:
- You can use shortcut on your keyboard to close a tab after a drop, press 'ctrl W'.
- It is best to have your Enrecard toolbar when you are dropping because you can also see the site's essentials info direct in to the Enrecard toolbar while viewing/making drops on particular blog/site (i.e. how much EC to advertise).
- You may want also to use this Firefox add-ons on my previews post, to see the page rank and alexa ranking of the blog/site while you are making your daily drops, you can choose on where you want to advertise on the blog/site that you think is performing well ;)
- You can also disable the odd behavior of mouse midle-click. The odd behavior- if you missed to middle-click a link, the tiny circle auto scroll thing appears.
Enjoy reciprocating drops! :)
How to Link to This Page To link to this page from your website, simply cut and paste the following code to your web page.
It will appear on your page as:
Reciprocate Fast on your Entrecard droppers
Read more! Reciprocate Fast on your Entrecard droppers
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 / Comments (0) / by kumander / PERMALINK
You might notice that my blog looks a bit different now, yes, i've just changed my blog template,how does it looks? well, i think it's pretty cool, with its 4 collumns style.I'm using the slined-mod20 from
jackbook dot com.
It's my first time to change my blogspot template and it took me the whole night to installed the template for the reason of me being afraid of losing some customization, widgets and some other stuff on my blog html lol, so i had to read first some tutorials. As i've said on this post, i'm just new at blogger and just familiarizing with the codes, maybe when time comes, i can and will do my own template, or maybe a friendster themes or friendster designs too hehe.. ;)
Aside from changing the template on this blog, I've also finished a new multiply layout and theme, a multiply themes that I have already posted on my other blog.
Read more! New Multiply Themes and Blog Template
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 / Comments (0) / by kumander / PERMALINK
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Then you might want to try to check this Friendster Layouts, Friendster themes, Friendster Background sitee :)
Thousands of Free Friendster Layouts for Your Friendster Profile.
Friendster Layouts
The best collection of Friendster Layouts and themes around. Over a thousand layouts available.
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Cool Friendster Layouts graphics for your Friendster page. Offers free backgrounds, Graphics and tools to improve your profile.
Read more! Friendster Layouts: Friendster Background and Themes
Sunday, August 17, 2008 / Comments (0) / by kumander / PERMALINK

Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid is a 1969 American Western film about the story of two bank robbers, Butch Cassidy and his partner The Sundance Kid.
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid is one of the greatest movies ever made.
Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid, the leaders of the famous
Hole in the Wall Gang, were played by Paul Newman as
Butch Cassidy and Robert Redford played as the
The Sundance Kid. The character
Etta Place played by Katharine Ross.
Etta Place is the girlfriend of The Sundance Kid.
The film "Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid" was produced by John Foreman at 20th Century Fox from a screenplay by William Goldman and was directed by George Roy Hill. Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid music was score by Burt Bacharach.
Read more! Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid
Saturday, August 16, 2008 / Comments (2) / by kumander / PERMALINK
SearchStatus - Display the Google PageRank, Alexa rank and Compete ranking anywhere in your browser, along with fast keyword density analyser, keyword/nofollow highlighting, backward/related links, Alexa info and other SEO tools.

This adds-on will tell you how famous your blog/site is and every blog/site you visit. Simply install it on the lower right of your Firefox browser on statusbar. The status will change according to the current page in your browser. What i like most of this tool feature is the highlighting of nofollow links, it helps recognise efficiently which links is not in Dofollow.
An excerpt from HubSpot on how PageRank is calculated:
0-3: New sites or sites with very minimal links
4-5: Popular sites with a fair amount of inbound links
6: Very popular sites that have hundreds of links, many of them quality links
7-10: Usually media brands (, big companies or A-list bloggers.
If you're just new on using Firefox, you can search lots of useful Firefox extensions available at the Firefox add-ons site, or simply on your firefox browser click tools> click add-ons and a pop-up window for add-ons option opens.
Read more! Search Extension for Firefox and Mozilla
Thursday, August 14, 2008 / Comments (1) / by kumander / PERMALINK

Finally, i got these pagepeelads working, wheew. Got the script and some other cool prizez from winning the 2nd prize in a
blog contest two weeks ago,funny thing is, I've joined that contest a day before the last submission of entry, and it's my first time of joining a blog contest.. how lucky me :),.
Bout this page peel ads or corner peel script
, after i've claimed and read all the procedure on how to install this peelads, i still wans'nt able to get it to work on my blogs, well i dont have problem understanding the code or script, which ever suit to call that, i just had the trouble hosting the script from the free hosting site that i signed with. But then after doing some googling and reading, i finally figured out some how to's on this matter, and making a daily rounds of dropping EC through Entrecard helps too, you'll find some interesting article while doing the drop, on my part, i got to read some tutorials regarding hosting, where and how, things like that. Now the pagepeelads installed on my blogs, it's at the top right corner of this blog. Maybe some will ask what would be the use of that, well for now, dont know either, but they say it has a high CTR (click through rate) for ads. I'm using it now just for advisement of my other blog. Also learned this week some how to's on modifying my blogger template, have change some part of the template of my Multiply themes blog, added some columns , put a tabbed sidebar navigation and add a comment form beneath the blog post on my 3 blogspot, learned all that from, thank you :). Am just new here at blogging, started first week of July and still learning anything for my blog development. So that's it for now for my online journal, it's 3am now, need to get some sleep :)
Read more! My Online Journal Stuff
Monday, August 11, 2008 / Comments (3) / by kumander / PERMALINK

Brock Lesnar in a dominant performance defeat Heath Herring by unanimous decision, 30-26, 30-26,. 30-26.The 2000 NCAA Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Lesnar, played well to a hometown crowd at The Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Lesnar blasted Herring right at the opening :30 seconds of the first round with a monster right punch that sent his opponent rolling on mat of the octagon. Herring, who is a very experienced Octagon fighter, was lucky to have not been knocked out by the blow, and his left eye swelled shut almost.
Everytime Herring would try to get to his feet, Lesnar would just went back to brawling, throwing vicious knees and doing everything to take Herring down and maintain total control.
Lesnar dominated the entire fight and simply held on to his dominant position most of the fight.
The main event was Georges St. Pierre vs. Jon Fitch.
UFC welterweight champion Georges St. Pierre retained his title via-unanimous 5-round decision over #1 contender Jon Fitch. St. Pierre showed superior striking, speed and power as he blasted Fitch with right hands in every round.
Other card results for UFC 87 Seek And Destroy:
Maia defeated MacDonald by submission (rear naked choke).
Florian defeated Huerta by Unanimous Decision, all three judges scored the bout 30-27.
Emerson defeated Gamburyan by KO on round 1.
Read more! UFC 87 Results Brock Lesnar and Georges St. Pierre
Friday, August 08, 2008 / Comments (1) / by kumander / PERMALINK
Thursday, August 07, 2008 / Comments (0) / by kumander / PERMALINK

Former UFC light heavyweight champion has agreed to a contract with
Affliction, a deal he called a "ground-breaking record contract", according to
Sports Illustrated.
"I guarantee you that my contract will be like no other," said Ortiz, stopping short of giving away the specifics of a deal that could include responsibilities outside of the ring. "It will be a ground-breaking record contract for sure, without a doubt. There's so much money to be made right now in mixed martial arts and it's all about the fighters trying to make that money. It's going to be a long-term deal where I put my heart and soul into the company and help build them. That's something I'm interested in doing. They're going to bring me on, not just as a fighter but also doing some of the back work also."
Ortiz, officially became a free agent on Monday after an 11-year career with the Ultimate Fighting Championship, and finalized his deal with Affliction during a Tuesday meeting with Donald Trump.
Affliction’s “Day of Reckoning” , will feature Ortiz’s promotional debut against Renato “Babalu” Sobral, former UFC contender, on October 11th pay-per-view event at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Read more! Affliction Sign Tito Ortiz: Affliction day of reckoning
Monday, August 04, 2008 / Comments (1) / by kumander / PERMALINK

The 15-year-old Hannah Montana star, Miley Cyrus hosted the 2008 Teen Choice Awards, where she also received three surfboard trophies, which is scheduled to air on Monday @ 8PM ET/PT on FOX.
Miley Cyrus served double duty as both host and musical guest. She performed her single "7 Things".
Read more! Miley Cyrus - Teen Choice Awards 2008
Sunday, August 03, 2008 / Comments (0) / by kumander / PERMALINK
Saturday, August 02, 2008 / Comments (0) / by kumander / PERMALINK
Fred Dean
Defensive End
(Louisiana Tech)
1975-1981 San Diego Chargers, 1981-1985 San Francisco 49ers
(Texas A&I)
1983-2002 Washington Redskins
Art Monk
Wide Receiver
1980-1993 Washington Redskins, 1994 New York Jets, 1995 Philadelphia Eagles
Emmitt Thomas
1966-1978 Kansas City Chiefs
Andre Tippett
(Iowa, Ellsworth (IA) Junior College)
1982-1993 New England Patriots
Gary Zimmerman
1986-1992 Minnesota Vikings, 1993-1997 Denver Broncos
Read more! Class of 2008 : NFL Hall of Fame
Saturday, August 02, 2008 / Comments (3) / by kumander / PERMALINK

Montauk Monster Pictures is hot in the news right now.
The hotness level is volcanic

The original photograph of the Montauk Monster that was snapped on July 12, has now made its way all over the World Wide Web and even moved on up the chain to CNN and even Fox News.
Some guessing that it is a dog, some other small animal, while others want to believe that it is something much more mysterious and exotic.
Or is it something like Hogzilla?.. The 800 Pound Farm Raised Hog that was featured on National Geographic documentary.(See picture below)

Read more! Montauk Monster pictures: Monster in Montauk