Have you notice the smoky ambience when you go to a bar and why bar owners allow it? There's a reason why bar owners don't mind their places being so smoky.
According to an article from a health magazine, it takes more alcohol to get drunk when you're inhaling cigarette smoke than when you aren't. Nicotine extends the amount of time alcohol stays in the stomachs, delaying its metabolism into the bloodstream.
Dont light up yet, though. Since smokers can drink more, they're also more likely to develop liver and heart problems than people who drink but don't smoke.
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very true indeed c:
well I didn't know that smoking helped to make you more intoxicated..I would have thought it was the opposite... but obviously I was wrong...I know when I stopped smoking I couldn't have a drink as it just wasn't the same ...
smoke is really a big NO,NO...ok lang ang uminon occasionally...wag lang yosi!
It's so amazing how so many people participate in making sure you get the worse health possible, adding to your own wrong decisions, of course. Thanks for this info.
@Jacqueline, consequence is there, i'm pretty sure that nobody wants to have heart and liver problems
I agree with you. But don't you know second hand smokers can be more tragic?
Very interesting - but I guess it just goes to show another reason why people should give up smoking!
I smoked for 36 years (quit just shy of 13 months ago) and I didn't like the taste of alcohol, maybe had 2-3 drinks in a years time. Now that I quit smoking, I like the taste of alcohol and drink now probably 5x plus a month.
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